

executive administrative assistant

Career Change – Different Expertise

Jessica graduated college with a BA in English and took a position as an event planner.  She enjoyed the planning and organizational part of the position and stayed in that role for 5 years.  She found a new position at a large company where she was the Administrative Assistant to a VP. She found that she enjoyed working for the VP as the role kept her busy and her work was correct and clean. Others noticed and after 3 years, she was asked to be the AA for the Division Head where she exceled in this role and was then promoted to be the Executive Admin for the Chief Financial Officer which is the role she currently has.





Jessica has exceled in her roles as someone who is organized and supports others; however, Jessica wants to do more.  She has enjoyed being in a support role, Jessica believes that there is something else that she can do; something where she can make more of an impact and would like to explore other opportunities


  • Understand her strengths and how they can be used in other roles
  • Gain clarity on how she is effective in her current role so that she can leverage it for future roles
  • Make connections with other women and learn about their roles


  • Create a community of women/network
  • Understand what type of work excites her and discover other potential roles to investigate
  • Strategies on how to leverage her strengths to achieve her goals