Potential  Participants

who should attend?

Check out the stories of the types of women who would benefit from Camp Strengths by clicking below.

Increase Influence - Have Others Listen

Whether you are getting paid to perform, working at your kids’ school organization/ after school activities or volunteering PT/FT in an organization, there may be a need to increase your effectiveness.

High-potential - Growth

Whether you are someone who was selected as part of a High-potential program, want to grow or has had a manager inform you of a possible growth opportunity, it is important to leverage your strengths for a new role.

Struggling in Role

You may have been promoted into a role for which you were not prepared, or haven’t found yourself engaged it, but your results and outcomes are not where you or your manager want them to be.

Career Change - different expertise

Career changes can be hard, especially when you think that the area for which you are currently working doesn’t excite you, draw from your passion and you think that there is something else that you could be great in.

Career Change - increased responibility

You’re happy with the type of work you do, but wish you could be doing more – either in your current organization or potentially moving.  But you know that you need an additional challenge.

New/Next Chapter

You’ve worked for many years, and how it’s time to retire.  But you’re not ready to stop making an impact and not sure what direction to move to.