Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


What if i already have my report?

That’s great and no reason to take it again. You can either share the report through or email us at

has the cliftonstrengths assessment been validated?

Yes!  Gallup is an international research organizaton that focuses on data and analytics to create its work.  You can also click  here to read an article on the validity.

What if I need to edit my registration?

No problem!  You can email us at with your changes.

What if i want to be with my friend?

Please ensure that any needs that you have are in the Notes sections of the Camper Application

Is the Assessment the same as DISC or myers-briggs?

While the assessments may appear to be similar in that they provide insight into your personality, there are some distinct differences between them.  Strengths-based assessments are focused on what you do well.  The MBTI has 4 dichotomies – where you get your energy (E v I), how you gather data (S v J), how you make decisions (T v F) and what you present to the world (J v P).  DiSC – i don’t remember

Can I come to camp without taking the assessment?

While we know some people are uncomfortable with assessments, the CliftonStrengths Assessment is central to the work we do and must be completed.

What if i need to cancel?

We know that there are times that you aren’t able to fulfil a commitment and need to make changes.  Please contact us immediately at  For information on refunds, review the Cancellation/ Refund section at the bottom of the Rates and Enrollment page 

what do i receive if i complete the "Can't join now" section?

As we continue to grow, we will be sending out updates to our campers which may have new camper sessions and fun activities to do at home.