stay at home mom / active volunteer
Increase influence – have others listen
Amy worked as an Occupational Therapist prior to getting married and having children. Once her children were born, she left the work force to raise them.
For the past 10+ years Amy has been an active volunteer in the PTO and her children’s sports team. She is organized and focused and but hasn’t been able to secure a leadership position as people don’t listen to her – even when she has the right answer.
Amy is motivated to continue to work hard to make a difference in her children’s lives through her volunteerism. She would like to take on more responsibility and a leadership role within the PTA/PTO.
- Increase her ability to relate to others
- Make stronger connections
- Understand her leadership style
- Inspire others
- Increase communication skills so that her ideas are heard, respected and accepted
- Increased self-awareness
- Input from other participants on how Amy shows up in a group environment
- Strategies on how to leverage her strengths to achieve her goals
- Quiet time for self-reflection
- Understanding on how to better engage with others and inspire her fellow volunteers